Dispatches from Elsewhere Locations
Dispatches from Elsewhere is an American drama TV series created by Jason Segel. It follows "a group of ordinary people who stumble onto a puzzle hiding just behind the veil of everyday life. They will come to find that the mystery winds far deeper than they ever imagined." Starring André Benjamin, Sally Field, Richard E. Grant, Eve Lindley, Jason Segel, Cecilia Balagot, Tara Lynne Barr, and Joe Forbrich, the series premiered on March 1, 2020, on AMC. Dispatches from Elsewhere was filmed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Photo by Jay Dantinne on Unsplash.
Where was Dispatches from Elsewhere Filmed?
Dispatches from Elsewhere was filmed in Girard College Tunnel and Philadelphia.
The complete list of the locations with latitude and longitude coordinates are listed below in the table.
Dispatches from Elsewhere Locations Map
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap
Dispatches from Elsewhere Locations Table
Location Name | Latitude | Longitude |
Girard College Tunnel | 39.973370 | -75.171364 |
Philadelphia | 39.955910 | -75.176758 |
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