Cross Locations
Cross is an American action crime drama thriller TV series created by Ben Watkins, and based on the novel series "Alex Cross" by James Patterson. Starring Aldis Hodge, Isaiah Mustafa, Juanita Jennings, Alona Tal, Samantha Walkes, Caleb Elijah, Melody Hurd, Jennifer Wigmore, Eloise Mumford, and Ryan Eggold, the series was released by Amazon Prime Video on November 14, 2024. Cross was shot in Ontario, Canada. Filming locations include Belfountain, Mississauga, Toronto, and Hamilton.
Toronto. Photo by Nadine E on Unsplash.
Where was Cross Filmed?
Cross was filmed in Belfountain, Hamilton, Mississauga and Toronto.
The complete list of the locations with latitude and longitude coordinates are listed below in the table.
Cross Locations Map
Cross Locations Table
Location Name | Latitude | Longitude |
Belfountain | 43.794735 | -80.015755 |
Hamilton | 43.255192 | -79.893364 |
Mississauga | 43.577351 | -79.823982 |
Toronto | 43.659012 | -79.413620 |
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