A Man on the Inside Locations
A Man on the Inside is an American comedy crime TV series created by Michael Schur, based on the documentary The Mole Agent by Maite Alberdi. Starring Ted Danson, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Lilah Richcreek Estrada, Stephanie Beatriz, John Getz, and Sally Struthers, the series was released by Netflix on November 21, 2024, in the United States. A Man on the Inside was shot in San Francisco, California, USA. The exteriors of the Pacific View building were filmed at 1201 California Street.
San Francisco. Photo by Sophia Simoes on Unsplash.
Where was A Man on the Inside Filmed?
A Man on the Inside was filmed in 1201 California St, Eagle Rock, Grace Cathedral and San Francisco.
The complete list of the locations with latitude and longitude coordinates are listed below in the table.
A Man on the Inside Locations Map
A Man on the Inside Locations Table
Location Name | Latitude | Longitude |
1201 California St | 37.790981 | -122.414551 |
Eagle Rock | 34.135002 | -118.218224 |
Grace Cathedral | 37.791878 | -122.413246 |
San Francisco | 37.769196 | -122.437004 |
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