Des Locations
Des is a British historical crime drama television miniseries directed by Lewis Arnold, written by Lewis Arnold, Brian Masters, Luke Neal, and Kelly Jones. Starring David Tennant, Daniel Mays, Jason Watkins, Ron Cook, Barry Ward, Faye McKeever, Ben Bailey Smith, and Bronagh Waugh, the series is based on the 1983 arrest of Scottish serial killer Dennis Nilsen. It was aired from 14 September to 16 September 2020 on ITV and ran for 3 episodes. Des was shot in London, England, UK. Filming also took place at HMP Holloway and Shepton Mallet Prison.
London, England, UK. Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash.
Where was Des Filmed?
Des was filmed in Crouch End, HMP Holloway, Shepton Mallet Prison and Watford.
The complete list of the locations with latitude and longitude coordinates are listed below in the table.
Des Locations Map
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap
Des Locations Table
Location Name | Latitude | Longitude |
Crouch End | 51.581753 | -0.123527 |
HMP Holloway | 51.553020 | -0.124207 |
Shepton Mallet Prison | 51.190269 | -2.543213 |
Watford | 51.657959 | -0.392874 |
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