Dark Winds Locations
An American crime drama thriller television series Dark Winds is based on the book series "Leaphorn & Chee" written by Tony Hillerman. Developed by Graham Roland, starring Zahn McClarnon, Kiowa Gordon, Deanna Allison, Jessica Matten, Rainn Wilson, Jeremiah Bitsui, Elva Guerra, Eugene Brave Rock, and Noah Emmerich, the series was released on AMC and AMC+ on June 12, 2022. The first season of the show consists of 6 episodes, and the second season will be premiered in 2023. Dark Winds was shot in New Mexico and Navajo Nation, United States. Filming also took place at Camel Rock Studios 2 miles north of Tesuque Pueblo in Santa Fe County.
Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park. Photo by Joanna Kozik on Unsplash.
Where was Dark Winds Filmed?
Dark Winds was filmed in Camel Rock Studios, Española, Kayenta, Mexican Hat, Monument Valley Tribal Park, Pueblo de Cochiti and Santa Fe.
The complete list of the locations with latitude and longitude coordinates are listed below in the table.
Dark Winds Locations Map
Dark Winds Locations Table
Location Name | Latitude | Longitude |
Camel Rock Studios | 35.821583 | -105.974213 |
Española | 36.006332 | -106.079597 |
Kayenta | 36.712585 | -110.256821 |
Mexican Hat | 37.173042 | -109.875092 |
Monument Valley Tribal Park | 36.982853 | -110.112747 |
Pueblo de Cochiti | 35.621521 | -106.356720 |
Santa Fe | 35.670315 | -105.976120 |
Recent Comments
Golding's Lodge in Monument Valley, Utah is the place Chee and his boss meet. Lots of leeway with geography in TV!
Gallop, NM is the place where the film stars, like John Wayne, hung out while doing movies in Monument Valley: El Rancho Hotel. What is the hotel/restaurant where the FBI high pockets meets with Chee? He claims it as the movie star hotel, but it's not...
I am betting that it is Cattleman's Steakhouse, south of El Paso, TX. !