Cursed Locations
Cursed is an American adventure drama fantasy television series, developed by Frank Miller and Tom Wheeler for Netflix, based on the novel of the same name by Frank Miller and Tom Wheeler. Starring Katherine Langford, Sebastian Armesto, Shalom Brune-Franklin, Emily Coates, Rob Day, Billy Jenkins, Zak Holland, Peter Mullan, and Gustaf Skarsgård, the series follows Nimue, a teenage sorceress, and Arthur who encounter in a quest to find an ancient sword. Cursed was filmed in Langley Film Studios, Slough, England, UK. Filming also took place in Deepcut, England. Filming locations included Clearwell Caves.
Puzzlewood. Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash.
Where was Cursed Filmed?
Cursed was filmed in Clearwell Caves, Deepcut, Holywell Bay, Langley Film Studios, London and Puzzle Wood.
The complete list of the locations with latitude and longitude coordinates are listed below in the table.
Cursed Locations Map
Cursed Locations Table
Location Name | Latitude | Longitude |
Clearwell Caves | 51.771019 | -2.614458 |
Deepcut | 51.304817 | -0.708010 |
Holywell Bay | 50.390972 | -5.146346 |
Langley Film Studios | 51.506603 | -0.540009 |
London | 51.520618 | -0.200713 |
Puzzle Wood | 51.779575 | -2.610340 |
Recent Comments
The beach battle in the last episode was filmed at Holy well bay, Cornwall, UK
Why wasn't this mentioned ?
We updated the info, thanks a lot.