Crashing Locations
Crashing is a British comedy-drama television series written and created by Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Starring Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Jonathan Bailey, Julie Dray, Louise Ford, Damien Molony, Adrian Scarborough, Amit Shah, and Susan Wokoma, the series follows the lives of six young people living as property guardians in a disused hospital building. It was released from 11 January to 15 February 2016 on Channel 4 and ran for 6 episodes. Crashing was filmed at the Royal London Hospital which is located at Whitechapel Road. The TV series Casualty 1900s was also set at the hospital.
London, UK. Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash.
Where was Crashing Filmed?
Crashing was filmed in London and The Royal London Hospital.
The complete list of the locations with latitude and longitude coordinates are listed below in the table.
Crashing Locations Map
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap
Crashing Locations Table
Location Name | Latitude | Longitude |
London | 51.508739 | -0.133287 |
The Royal London Hospital | 51.518204 | -0.058587 |
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