Coupling Locations
Coupling is a British television romantic comedy sitcom directed by Martin Dennis and written by Steven Moffat. Starring Jack Davenport, Gina Bellman, Sarah Alexander, Kate Isitt, Ben Miles, and Richard Coyle, the series was released on BBC Two and BBC Three from 12 May 2000 to 14 June 2004. It follows the lives and relationships of six friends in their early 30s. The show ran for 4 seasons and 28 episodes. Coupling was filmed in London, England, UK. Clerkenwell, Tottenham Court Rd, and Chiswick were among the filming locations.
Clerkenwell, London, United Kingdom. Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash.
Where was Coupling Filmed?
Coupling was filmed in Chiswick, Clerkenwell and Tottenham Court Rd.
The complete list of the locations with latitude and longitude coordinates are listed below in the table.
Coupling Locations Map
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap
Coupling Locations Table
Location Name | Latitude | Longitude |
Chiswick | 51.487431 | -0.271075 |
Clerkenwell | 51.526283 | -0.110225 |
Tottenham Court Rd | 51.520290 | -0.134106 |
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