The Tower of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Licheń Stary, Poland
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 52.322075, 18.356403.
The Tower of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, located at Klasztorna 4, the town of Licheń Stary, Poland, is considered to be among the tallest towers in the country, with the height close to 128 meters. The building is absolutely stunning,and it was designed by a group of talented Polish designers. It took almost 10 years to construct the basilica, with the total area of the building close to 9240 meters square, and it is the largest religious establishment in Poland. The basilica was opened in 2004 and is a very popualar tourist destination.
Where is The Tower of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Licheń Stary, Poland on Map?
Road map of The Tower of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Licheń Stary, Poland shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of The Tower of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Licheń Stary, Poland
The Tower of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Licheń Stary, Poland Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of The Tower of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Licheń Stary, Poland is 52.322075, and the longitude is 18.356403. The Tower of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Licheń Stary, Poland is located at Poland country in the Towers place category with the gps coordinates of 52° 19' 19.4700'' N and 18° 21' 23.0508'' E.
Country | Poland |
Latitude | 52.322075 |
Longitude | 18.356403 |
DMS Lat | 52° 19' 19.4700'' N |
DMS Long | 18° 21' 23.0508'' E |
UTM Easting | 319,837.07 |
UTM Northing | 5,800,151.87 |
Category | Towers |
Country Code | PL |
Zoom Level | 12 |
Coordinates of The Tower of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Licheń Stary, Poland is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
Towers in Poland
Also check out these related Towers.
- The Tower of Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Licheń Stary, Poland (52.322075, 18.356403)
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