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Teluk Ara, Indonesia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 4.159663, 98.210365.

One of the most wonderful natural harbors, Teluk Ara, is located in North Sumatra, Indonesia. It is absolutely great location for those people who enjoy spending time outdoors discovering new beauties of nature. There are a few islands in the harbor which can be reached by boat. Sembilan Island is the largest of those.

Where is Teluk Ara, Indonesia on Map?

Road map of Teluk Ara, Indonesia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Teluk Ara, Indonesia

Teluk Ara, Indonesia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Teluk Ara, Indonesia is 4.159663, and the longitude is 98.210365. Teluk Ara, Indonesia is located at Indonesia country in the Harbors place category with the gps coordinates of 4° 9' 34.7868'' N and 98° 12' 37.3140'' E.

Teluk Ara, Indonesia Geographic Information
DMS Lat4° 9' 34.7868'' N
DMS Long98° 12' 37.3140'' E
UTM Easting412,360.55
UTM Northing459,819.65
Country CodeID
Zoom Level11

Coordinates of Teluk Ara, Indonesia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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