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Shivajinagar, Maharashtra, India

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 18.530582, 73.847397.

Shivajinagar (शिवाजी नगर) is a suburb of Pune, in the state of Maharashtra, India, located on the banks of the Mutha River. Shivaji Nagar Metro Station, Shivajinagar railway station, and a national highway serve the area. It is home to the Indian Law Society's Law College, Marathwada Mitra Mandal College of Commerce, Fergusson College, Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, and the COEP Building. It is a historic place dating back to the 8th century. Local attractions include Chaturshrungi Temple, Mahatma Phule Museum of Industry, and Bal Gandharva Ranga Mandir as well as a few shopping malls.

Where is Shivajinagar, Maharashtra, India on Map?

Road map of Shivajinagar, Maharashtra, India shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Shivajinagar, Maharashtra, India

Shivajinagar, Maharashtra, India Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Shivajinagar, Maharashtra, India is 18.530582, and the longitude is 73.847397. Shivajinagar, Maharashtra, India is located at India country in the Suburbs place category with the gps coordinates of 18° 31' 50.0952'' N and 73° 50' 50.6292'' E.

Shivajinagar, Maharashtra, India Geographic Information
DMS Lat18° 31' 50.0952'' N
DMS Long73° 50' 50.6292'' E
UTM Easting378,345.95
UTM Northing2,049,277.62
Country CodeIN
Zoom Level15

Coordinates of Shivajinagar, Maharashtra, India is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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