Pure Herbal Ayurved Clinic, Northcote, VIC, Australia
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -37.768211, 144.998993.
Pure Herbal Ayurved Clinic is a small private health care and psychological health care facility which can be found in the town of Northcote, which is one of the outskirts of Melbourne in the state of Victoria, southern Australia. It is a clinic created for those who are overwhelmed with the difficulties of modern life and are seeking for treated form the Ayurvedic herbs under the supervision of highly qualified and experienced specialists of the clinic. The solutions offered by the clinic are perfrect and effective for many of the disorders, especially for such ones as the chronic diseases as alopecia, anxiety & stress, weight loss, and so on. The treatments include massages, acupuncture, therapeutic seances, using herbal remedies, and plenty of others.
Where is Pure Herbal Ayurved Clinic, Northcote, VIC, Australia on Map?
Road map of Pure Herbal Ayurved Clinic, Northcote, VIC, Australia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Pure Herbal Ayurved Clinic, Northcote, VIC, Australia
Pure Herbal Ayurved Clinic, Northcote, VIC, Australia Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Pure Herbal Ayurved Clinic, Northcote, VIC, Australia is -37.768211, and the longitude is 144.998993. Pure Herbal Ayurved Clinic, Northcote, VIC, Australia is located at Australia country in the Other Facilities place category with the gps coordinates of 37° 46' 5.5596'' S and 144° 59' 56.3748'' E.
Country | Australia |
Latitude | -37.768211 |
Longitude | 144.998993 |
DMS Lat | 37° 46' 5.5596'' S |
DMS Long | 144° 59' 56.3748'' E |
UTM Easting | 323,756.38 |
UTM Northing | 5,818,016.59 |
Category | Other Facilities |
Country Code | AU |
Zoom Level | 15 |
Coordinates of Pure Herbal Ayurved Clinic, Northcote, VIC, Australia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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