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Prime Meridian (Greenwich)

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 51.477928, -0.001545.

The Meridian Line, or Prime Meridian in Greenwich, an imaginary line used to indicate 0° longitude, is the dividing point between the eastern and western hemispheres. You can stand on the Line at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich Park with one foot in each half of the earth as well as you can see the laser projected from the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, marking the Prime meridian. The Greenwich Meridian was selected as an international standard in 1884 by forty-one delegates from 25 nations. In addition, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is used as standard time in several countries such as the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Portugal, Canary Islands (Spain), Ghana, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Senegal, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, etc.

Where is Prime Meridian (Greenwich) on Map?

Road map of Prime Meridian (Greenwich) shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Prime Meridian (Greenwich)

Prime Meridian (Greenwich) Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Prime Meridian (Greenwich) is 51.477928, and the longitude is -0.001545. Prime Meridian (Greenwich) is located at United Kingdom country in the Notable Buildings place category with the gps coordinates of 51° 28' 40.5408'' N and 0° 0' 5.5620'' W.

Prime Meridian (Greenwich) Geographic Information
CountryUnited Kingdom
DMS Lat51° 28' 40.5408'' N
DMS Long0° 0' 5.5620'' W
UTM Easting708,210.24
UTM Northing5,707,238.65
CategoryNotable Buildings
Country CodeGB
Zoom Level18

Coordinates of Prime Meridian (Greenwich) is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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Marco Garuffo 2024-11-10 18:08:11

If it is the fundamental meridian, Why its longitude is not 0° but negative?
Thank-you for the reply.