Podgorica, Montenegro
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 42.442574, 19.268646.
Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro, located on the Morača River to the north of Shkodra Lake in the central part of the country. It is a historic city founded before the 11th century. It is also the largest city in the country, as well as a key economic, commercial, and cultural center. It attracts a great number of tourists and guests to the country with its numerous places of interest, including the Orthodox Temple of Christ's Resurrection, Dajbabe Monastery, Millenium Bridge, Gorica Park, Park Ljubović, Osmanagić Mosque, Independence Square, Podgorica City Stadium, Njegošev Park, Clock Tower, and lots of shopping centers and historic monuments. Podgorica Airport serves the area.
Where is Podgorica, Montenegro on Map?
Road map of Podgorica, Montenegro shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Podgorica, Montenegro
Podgorica, Montenegro Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Podgorica, Montenegro is 42.442574, and the longitude is 19.268646. Podgorica, Montenegro is located at Montenegro country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 42° 26' 33.2664'' N and 19° 16' 7.1256'' E.
Country | Montenegro |
Latitude | 42.442574 |
Longitude | 19.268646 |
DMS Lat | 42° 26' 33.2664'' N |
DMS Long | 19° 16' 7.1256'' E |
UTM Easting | 357,609.26 |
UTM Northing | 4,700,368.70 |
Category | Cities |
Country Code | ME |
Zoom Level | 12 |
Coordinates of Podgorica, Montenegro is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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- Podgorica, Montenegro (42.442574, 19.268646)
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