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Phewa Lake, Nepal

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 28.215384, 83.945320.

Phewa Lake, or Fewa Lake, is a wonderful freshwater lake located in south Nepal. It is the second largest lake in Nepal, which is fed by a few local rivers. The lake is famous as a venue for numerous sports events, especially boating. Also, there is a very advanced catering and accommodation infrastructure around the lake, bringing thousands of tourists every year. Nearby attractions include Pokhara Disneyland, Basundhara Park, Tal Barahi Temple, World Peace Pagoda, and Pokhara Lakeside. It can be reached by bus.

Where is Phewa Lake, Nepal on Map?

Road map of Phewa Lake, Nepal shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Phewa Lake, Nepal

Phewa Lake, Nepal Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Phewa Lake, Nepal is 28.215384, and the longitude is 83.945320. Phewa Lake, Nepal is located at Nepal country in the Lakes place category with the gps coordinates of 28° 12' 55.3824'' N and 83° 56' 43.1520'' E.

Phewa Lake, Nepal Geographic Information
DMS Lat28° 12' 55.3824'' N
DMS Long83° 56' 43.1520'' E
UTM Easting789,084.35
UTM Northing3,124,576.87
Country CodeNP
Zoom Level13

Coordinates of Phewa Lake, Nepal is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

Lakes in Nepal

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