Oslo, Ostlandet, Norway
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 59.911491, 10.757933.
Oslo is the capital city of Norway and one of the most beautiful historical cities in Scandinavia. Located in the southern region of the city, Oslo enjoys a wonderful climate, with quite soft winters for the area, and long mild summers. The city has a very long history which takes source from the times of the Vikings. It is the principal political, economic, cultural, educational center, and a key tourist spot of the country. The city is a bright example of a successful combination of old historic and modern architecture. Numerous theaters, galleries, venues for concerts and various performances, cultural centers, stadiums, parks and beautiful streets in the city center are among the main attractions of Oslo.
The city is the most crowded and the most developed urban area of the country, with many neighborhoods and outskirts residential districts where most of the working-class people live. Its population has been slightly growing recently, and the city is a boasting and sprawling one. It offers its residents plenty of modern facilities and amenities as to health care, education, entertainment, culture, and leisure time. In contrast to many other European cities, Oslo is a relatively homogeneous community, with most of the residents being of the local origins and belonging to the group of the Christian religion. Nevertheless, the city is friendly and open to guests from all around the globe.
Where is Oslo, Ostlandet, Norway on Map?
Road map of Oslo, Ostlandet, Norway shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Oslo, Ostlandet, Norway
Oslo, Ostlandet, Norway Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Oslo, Ostlandet, Norway is 59.911491, and the longitude is 10.757933. Oslo, Ostlandet, Norway is located at Norway country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 59° 54' 41.3676'' N and 10° 45' 28.5588'' E.
Country | Norway |
Latitude | 59.911491 |
Longitude | 10.757933 |
DMS Lat | 59° 54' 41.3676'' N |
DMS Long | 10° 45' 28.5588'' E |
UTM Easting | 598,307.55 |
UTM Northing | 6,642,859.27 |
Category | Cities |
Country Code | NO |
Zoom Level | 9 |
Coordinates of Oslo, Ostlandet, Norway is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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thank you. i like your map