Mogan Shan, Deqing, Huzhou, China
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 30.629723, 119.825554.
Mogan Shan is a tourist area and a district in Deqing, Huzhou province of China. It is situated to the south of Hangzhou and south west of Shanghai. It is a destination for tourists who enjoy hiking, and there are a few small natural reserves wit great hiking trails. Moganshan is also known for its special local beer which is bottled in an attractive bottle.
Where is Mogan Shan, Deqing, Huzhou, China on Map?
Road map of Mogan Shan, Deqing, Huzhou, China shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Mogan Shan, Deqing, Huzhou, China
Mogan Shan, Deqing, Huzhou, China Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Mogan Shan, Deqing, Huzhou, China is 30.629723, and the longitude is 119.825554. Mogan Shan, Deqing, Huzhou, China is located at China country in the Districts place category with the gps coordinates of 30° 37' 47.0028'' N and 119° 49' 31.9944'' E.
Country | China |
Latitude | 30.629723 |
Longitude | 119.825554 |
DMS Lat | 30° 37' 47.0028'' N |
DMS Long | 119° 49' 31.9944'' E |
UTM Easting | 770,834.32 |
UTM Northing | 3,391,971.27 |
Category | Districts |
Country Code | CN |
Zoom Level | 8 |
Coordinates of Mogan Shan, Deqing, Huzhou, China is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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