Midmac Contracting Co. WLL., Doha, Quatar
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 25.265957, 51.518024.
Midmac Contracting Co. WLL, Doha - Qatar is one of the largest construction companies in modern Qatar, which is at the market for decades. It is estimated that there are over 6,000 people employed by the company. It is ranked as one of the most efficient construction organizations in the country since it is offering premium quality services for reasonable prices. The company is located at C Ring Road، New Slata Interchange، Doha, Qatar.
Where is Midmac Contracting Co. WLL., Doha, Quatar on Map?
Road map of Midmac Contracting Co. WLL., Doha, Quatar shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Midmac Contracting Co. WLL., Doha, Quatar
Midmac Contracting Co. WLL., Doha, Quatar Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Midmac Contracting Co. WLL., Doha, Quatar is 25.265957, and the longitude is 51.518024. Midmac Contracting Co. WLL., Doha, Quatar is located at Qatar country in the Companies place category with the gps coordinates of 25° 15' 57.4452'' N and 51° 31' 4.8864'' E.
Country | Qatar |
Latitude | 25.265957 |
Longitude | 51.518024 |
DMS Lat | 25° 15' 57.4452'' N |
DMS Long | 51° 31' 4.8864'' E |
UTM Easting | 552,161.02 |
UTM Northing | 2,794,497.96 |
Category | Companies |
Country Code | QA |
Zoom Level | 18 |
Coordinates of Midmac Contracting Co. WLL., Doha, Quatar is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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Recent Comments
very nice midmac co. happy new year 2015