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Massy, France

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 48.730755, 2.271370.

Massy is a commune in the neighborhood of Paris, France, located 15 kilometers south of the city and to the west of Paris Orly Airport. Massy is easily accessible by two interchange stations, Massy–Verrières Station and Massy–Palaiseau Station. The local landmarks include Parc de Vilgénis, Pathé Massy, Château de Vilgénis and Opéra de Massy. It is divided into two cantons: Massy-Ouest and Massy-Est. The commune has professional rugby and handball teams as well.

Where is Massy, France on Map?

Road map of Massy, France shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Massy, France

Massy, France Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Massy, France is 48.730755, and the longitude is 2.271370. Massy, France is located at France country in the Communes place category with the gps coordinates of 48° 43' 50.7180'' N and 2° 16' 16.9320'' E.

Massy, France Geographic Information
DMS Lat48° 43' 50.7180'' N
DMS Long2° 16' 16.9320'' E
UTM Easting446,419.68
UTM Northing5,397,781.87
Country CodeFR
Zoom Level13

Coordinates of Massy, France is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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