Lusaka, Lusaka District, Zambia
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -15.416667, 28.283333.
Lusaka is a large city and the capital city of the country, located in Lusaka District in southern Zambia. The city is considered to be one of the most developed in the region of Africa, with very good facilities, services, and amenities. Lusaka was established in the very beginning of the 20th century and is a cultural and economic center of the country, with the population close to 2 million people in the urban area and 2.8 million people in municipal area. The city is a commercial and transportation center of the country, as well as the center of sports and cultural life of Zambia. The landmarks of the city include the Freedom Statue, the Political Museum, the National Museum of the country, the Zintu Community Museum, plenty of cinemas, shopping, and other entertainment facilities.
Where is Lusaka, Lusaka District, Zambia on Map?
Road map of Lusaka, Lusaka District, Zambia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Lusaka, Lusaka District, Zambia
Lusaka, Lusaka District, Zambia Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Lusaka, Lusaka District, Zambia is -15.416667, and the longitude is 28.283333. Lusaka, Lusaka District, Zambia is located at Zambia country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 15° 25' 0.0012'' S and 28° 16' 59.9988'' E.
Country | Zambia |
Latitude | -15.416667 |
Longitude | 28.283333 |
DMS Lat | 15° 25' 0.0012'' S |
DMS Long | 28° 16' 59.9988'' E |
UTM Easting | 637,707.05 |
UTM Northing | 8,295,177.91 |
Category | Cities |
Country Code | ZM |
Zoom Level | 7 |
Coordinates of Lusaka, Lusaka District, Zambia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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