Lima City, Lima Province, Peru
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -12.046374, -77.042793.
Lima is a coastal city and the capital city of Peru, the country in the western part of the South American continent. Lima is located in the very central part of the country, facing the Pacific Ocean, and Lima is the main port and the center of the country's economy and commerce. It is a part of the local large metropolitan area, with a few million people living there. Lima is also one of the most famous tourist spots and home to many landmarks or annual cultural events. The city has a long history and plenty of tourist attractions: old fortifications and castles, old historic buildings, galleries and museums, cathedrals and beautiful parks, wide squares and modern shopping areas, business and educational centers, and so on.
Geographically, Lima is located in a seismically very dangerous zone, and earthquakes happen there quite often. Traditionally, the city is a center of agriculture and farming, so the name of the city takes source from the expression meaning 'arable lands'. In the middle ages, the city used to be a very developed center of enlightenment and education, so even modern Lima is home to one of the oldest universities on the continent which was established in the middle of the 16th century. Known as "Beta City", Lima is the center of modern South American globalization, international business, and social life. The residents of the city love sports and spending time outdoors, so there are plenty of modern facilities for sports in Lima and very often the city hosts various kinds of international competitions and championships.
Where is Lima City, Lima Province, Peru on Map?
Road map of Lima City, Lima Province, Peru shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Lima City, Lima Province, Peru
Lima City, Lima Province, Peru Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Lima City, Lima Province, Peru is -12.046374, and the longitude is -77.042793. Lima City, Lima Province, Peru is located at Peru country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 12° 2' 46.9464'' S and 77° 2' 34.0548'' W.
Country | Peru |
Latitude | -12.046374 |
Longitude | -77.042793 |
DMS Lat | 12° 2' 46.9464'' S |
DMS Long | 77° 2' 34.0548'' W |
UTM Easting | 277,618.19 |
UTM Northing | 8,667,490.78 |
Category | Cities |
Country Code | PE |
Zoom Level | 8 |
Coordinates of Lima City, Lima Province, Peru is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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i like the exact location