Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 22.280972, 114.155525.
Lan Kwai Fong is a small part of central Hong Kong which includes a few streets of the city. Historically, the streets were filled with plenty of small sellers or merchants who used to sell their products right on the streets, or in small stalls, standing side by side with each other. There were also small service offices located all around LKF streets, like the offices offering arranged marriage services. Starting from the mid 1980s, LKF streets became more of a cultural hub of the city. There are plenty of small souvenir stalls and it is possible to hear street musicians playing and street actors performing their plays on the streets. It is also possible to find a few art galleries there.
Where is Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong on Map?
Road map of Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong
Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong is 22.280972, and the longitude is 114.155525. Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong is located at Hong Kong country in the Streets place category with the gps coordinates of 22° 16' 51.4992'' N and 114° 9' 19.8900'' E.
Country | Hong Kong |
Latitude | 22.280972 |
Longitude | 114.155525 |
DMS Lat | 22° 16' 51.4992'' N |
DMS Long | 114° 9' 19.8900'' E |
UTM Easting | 206,886.40 |
UTM Northing | 2,466,687.35 |
Category | Streets |
Country Code | HK |
Zoom Level | 16 |
Coordinates of Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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- Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong (22.280972, 114.155525)
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