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Gregory, MI, USA

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 42.458366, -84.084396.

Gregory is a community in Unadilla Township, Livingston County, Michigan, USA, located near Waterloo State Recreation Area and Pinckney State Recreation Area which are the main tourist attractions in the district. The community was founded in 1884. It is located 40 miles southeast of Lansing and 66 miles northwest of Detroit.

Where is Gregory, MI, USA on Map?

Road map of Gregory, MI, USA shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Gregory, MI, USA

Gregory, MI, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Gregory, MI, USA is 42.458366, and the longitude is -84.084396. Gregory, MI, USA is located at United States country in the Communities place category with the gps coordinates of 42° 27' 30.1176'' N and 84° 5' 3.8256'' W.

Gregory, MI, USA Geographic Information
CountryUnited States
DMS Lat42° 27' 30.1176'' N
DMS Long84° 5' 3.8256'' W
UTM Easting739,732.11
UTM Northing4,704,789.55
Country CodeUS
Zoom Level13

Coordinates of Gregory, MI, USA is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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