Four Seasons Hotel Manama, Manama, Bahrain
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 26.247198, 50.581902.
Overlooking Bahrain Bay and so called Diplomatic Area district, Four Seasons Hotel Manama is one of the best and the most popular accommodation options for those who visit the city of Manama, Bahrain. Constructed and inaugurated in 2014, the hotel is among the largest, the most luxury, and the most modern hotels in the city center. There are 50 floors in the building, with the total number of rooms and other accommodation options close to 700.
Where is Four Seasons Hotel Manama, Manama, Bahrain on Map?
Road map of Four Seasons Hotel Manama, Manama, Bahrain shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Four Seasons Hotel Manama, Manama, Bahrain
Four Seasons Hotel Manama, Manama, Bahrain Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Four Seasons Hotel Manama, Manama, Bahrain is 26.247198, and the longitude is 50.581902. Four Seasons Hotel Manama, Manama, Bahrain is located at Bahrain country in the Hotels place category with the gps coordinates of 26° 14' 49.9128'' N and 50° 34' 54.8472'' E.
Country | Bahrain |
Latitude | 26.247198 |
Longitude | 50.581902 |
DMS Lat | 26° 14' 49.9128'' N |
DMS Long | 50° 34' 54.8472'' E |
UTM Easting | 458,245.46 |
UTM Northing | 2,903,127.30 |
Category | Hotels |
Country Code | BH |
Zoom Level | 13 |
Coordinates of Four Seasons Hotel Manama, Manama, Bahrain is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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- Four Seasons Hotel Manama, Manama, Bahrain (26.247198, 50.581902)
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