Costa Blanca, Alicante, Spain
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 38.497375, -0.255483.
Costa Blanca is a large coastal area in the region of Alicante, Spain. Located to the west of Benidorm and La Vila Joiosa, it is extremely popular tourist destination and a location of many great facilities for water sports, great seaside vacation, and family type vacation. Costa Blanca is considered among the best resort areas of the region, with plenty of large resorts and hotels built there.
Where is Costa Blanca, Alicante, Spain on Map?
Road map of Costa Blanca, Alicante, Spain shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Costa Blanca, Alicante, Spain
Costa Blanca, Alicante, Spain Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Costa Blanca, Alicante, Spain is 38.497375, and the longitude is -0.255483. Costa Blanca, Alicante, Spain is located at Spain country in the Beaches place category with the gps coordinates of 38° 29' 50.5500'' N and 0° 15' 19.7388'' W.
Country | Spain |
Latitude | 38.497375 |
Longitude | -0.255483 |
DMS Lat | 38° 29' 50.5500'' N |
DMS Long | 0° 15' 19.7388'' W |
UTM Easting | 739,345.53 |
UTM Northing | 4,264,572.00 |
Category | Beaches |
Country Code | ES |
Zoom Level | 11 |
Coordinates of Costa Blanca, Alicante, Spain is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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