CORNER RUEDA STS., Calbayog City , Samar, The Philippines
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 12.067878, 124.595390.
CORNER RUEDA STS. is a small pharmaceutical company located in Calbayog City, Samar province in the Philippinnes. The company was established over 10 years ago and is a JMC and medicine distributor. It is primarily a dealer of generic and branded medicines, but there are also a great deal of natural and herbal treatments is being sold by the company.
Where is CORNER RUEDA STS., Calbayog City , Samar, The Philippines on Map?
Road map of CORNER RUEDA STS., Calbayog City , Samar, The Philippines shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of CORNER RUEDA STS., Calbayog City , Samar, The Philippines
CORNER RUEDA STS., Calbayog City , Samar, The Philippines Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of CORNER RUEDA STS., Calbayog City , Samar, The Philippines is 12.067878, and the longitude is 124.595390. CORNER RUEDA STS., Calbayog City , Samar, The Philippines is located at Phillipines country in the Companies place category with the gps coordinates of 12° 4' 4.3608'' N and 124° 35' 43.4040'' E.
Country | Phillipines |
Latitude | 12.067878 |
Longitude | 124.595390 |
DMS Lat | 12° 4' 4.3608'' N |
DMS Long | 124° 35' 43.4040'' E |
UTM Easting | 673,649.75 |
UTM Northing | 1,334,565.02 |
Category | Companies |
Country Code | PH |
Zoom Level | 15 |
Coordinates of CORNER RUEDA STS., Calbayog City , Samar, The Philippines is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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