Bosques de Altamira, Managua, Nicaragua
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 12.120182, -86.250778.
Bosques de Altamira is one of the central districts of the city of Managua, Nicaragua. It is located to the west from the city center and is a business district, with small residential zones and dormitory areas. There are a few office buildings and shopping facilities in Bosques de Altamira as well.
Where is Bosques de Altamira, Managua, Nicaragua on Map?
Road map of Bosques de Altamira, Managua, Nicaragua shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Bosques de Altamira, Managua, Nicaragua
Bosques de Altamira, Managua, Nicaragua Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Bosques de Altamira, Managua, Nicaragua is 12.120182, and the longitude is -86.250778. Bosques de Altamira, Managua, Nicaragua is located at Nicaragua country in the Districts place category with the gps coordinates of 12° 7' 12.6552'' N and 86° 15' 2.8008'' W.
Country | Nicaragua |
Latitude | 12.120182 |
Longitude | -86.250778 |
DMS Lat | 12° 7' 12.6552'' N |
DMS Long | 86° 15' 2.8008'' W |
UTM Easting | 581,525.45 |
UTM Northing | 1,339,955.10 |
Category | Districts |
Country Code | NI |
Zoom Level | 13 |
Coordinates of Bosques de Altamira, Managua, Nicaragua is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
Districts in Nicaragua
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- Bosques de Altamira, Managua, Nicaragua (12.120182, -86.250778)
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