Arjo, Oromia, Ethiopia
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 8.816667, 36.466667.
The town of Arjo is a part of the region of Oromia, Ethiopoa. The area is in the western part of the country, and the town is the main settlement of a small local county. For many decades the town used to be a much smaller settlement, until the middle of the 20th century, when a few new settler groups began living together with the local community. Today, the population of the town is slightly exceeding 1 thousand people which is quite a large number of residents for the country's standards. The town is agricultural and relies on agriculture in its economy and well being. There are a few quite good educational establishments in the town, including a few schools and a good kindergarten operated by a governmental body.
Where is Arjo, Oromia, Ethiopia on Map?
Road map of Arjo, Oromia, Ethiopia shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Arjo, Oromia, Ethiopia
Arjo, Oromia, Ethiopia Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Arjo, Oromia, Ethiopia is 8.816667, and the longitude is 36.466667. Arjo, Oromia, Ethiopia is located at Ethiopia country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 8° 49' 0.0012'' N and 36° 28' 0.0012'' E.
Country | Ethiopia |
Latitude | 8.816667 |
Longitude | 36.466667 |
DMS Lat | 8° 49' 0.0012'' N |
DMS Long | 36° 28' 0.0012'' E |
UTM Easting | 221,325.36 |
UTM Northing | 975,528.24 |
Category | Towns |
Country Code | ET |
Zoom Level | 9 |
Coordinates of Arjo, Oromia, Ethiopia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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