Apna Micro Finance Bank LTD, New SabziMandi, Karachi, Pakistan
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 30.669189, 73.662720.
Apna Micro Finance Bank LTD is a large financial establishment with numerous branches located throughout Pakistan. Its Sabzi Mandi Depalpur Branch was opened in 2013 and is situated in Depalpur, which is one of southeastern suburbs of Karachi. The financial establishment is opened during traditional working hours of the country, and is giving a number of common services starting from simple money transfer and ending up with more complicated services, including online ones.
Where is Apna Micro Finance Bank LTD, New SabziMandi, Karachi, Pakistan on Map?
Road map of Apna Micro Finance Bank LTD, New SabziMandi, Karachi, Pakistan shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Apna Micro Finance Bank LTD, New SabziMandi, Karachi, Pakistan
Apna Micro Finance Bank LTD, New SabziMandi, Karachi, Pakistan Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Apna Micro Finance Bank LTD, New SabziMandi, Karachi, Pakistan is 30.669189, and the longitude is 73.662720. Apna Micro Finance Bank LTD, New SabziMandi, Karachi, Pakistan is located at Pakistan country in the Companies place category with the gps coordinates of 30° 40' 9.0804'' N and 73° 39' 45.7920'' E.
Country | Pakistan |
Latitude | 30.669189 |
Longitude | 73.662720 |
DMS Lat | 30° 40' 9.0804'' N |
DMS Long | 73° 39' 45.7920'' E |
UTM Easting | 371,890.94 |
UTM Northing | 3,393,703.38 |
Category | Companies |
Country Code | PK |
Zoom Level | 16 |
Coordinates of Apna Micro Finance Bank LTD, New SabziMandi, Karachi, Pakistan is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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