Anne Frank House, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 52.375191, 4.883928.
Anne Frank House ("Anne Frank Huis" in Dutch) is a museum and popular tourist attraction located on the Prinsengracht, in the center of Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. The museum is dedicated to Jewish German-Dutch diarist Anne Frank who hid from Nazi persecution with her family, as well as the Van Pels family and Fritz Pfeffer during World War II. They lived in the annex of the building where Anne’s father had his business. Anne Frank documents her life in the secret annex from 1942 to 1944, and the book became one of the world's best-known books ever.
The museum, located at Westermarkt 20 1016 DK Amsterdam, first opened on 3 May 1960. You can see the hiding place and the movable bookcase which covered the entrance to the annex as well as the exhibition space. The visitors also have a chance to see Anne's original diary. The museum that is a member of the Museumvereniging (Museum Association) became the 3rd most visited museum in the Netherlands in 2013 and 2014. You need to buy a ticket online for a specific time slot to visit The Anne Frank House.
Where is Anne Frank House, Amsterdam, Netherlands on Map?
Road map of Anne Frank House, Amsterdam, Netherlands shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Anne Frank House, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Anne Frank House, Amsterdam, Netherlands Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Anne Frank House, Amsterdam, Netherlands is 52.375191, and the longitude is 4.883928. Anne Frank House, Amsterdam, Netherlands is located at Netherlands country in the Museums place category with the gps coordinates of 52° 22' 30.6876'' N and 4° 53' 2.1408'' E.
Country | Netherlands |
Latitude | 52.375191 |
Longitude | 4.883928 |
DMS Lat | 52° 22' 30.6876'' N |
DMS Long | 4° 53' 2.1408'' E |
UTM Easting | 628,242.79 |
UTM Northing | 5,804,439.50 |
Category | Museums |
Country Code | NL |
Zoom Level | 18 |
Coordinates of Anne Frank House, Amsterdam, Netherlands is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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