Alles Garden Homestay, Uppuveli, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 8.603227, 81.219032.
Alles Garden Homestay isa great accommodation option located at Alles Garden 16, Uppuveli, which is a part of Trincomalee district in Sri Lanka. The hotel is famous with quite low prices and proper services, multi-cultural and multi-cultural personnel, as well as very good restaurant. The place is quite popular among those who often come to have a vacation in the area.
Where is Alles Garden Homestay, Uppuveli, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka on Map?
Road map of Alles Garden Homestay, Uppuveli, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Alles Garden Homestay, Uppuveli, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
Alles Garden Homestay, Uppuveli, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Alles Garden Homestay, Uppuveli, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka is 8.603227, and the longitude is 81.219032. Alles Garden Homestay, Uppuveli, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka is located at Sri Lanka country in the Hotels place category with the gps coordinates of 8° 36' 11.6172'' N and 81° 13' 8.5152'' E.
Country | Sri Lanka |
Latitude | 8.603227 |
Longitude | 81.219032 |
DMS Lat | 8° 36' 11.6172'' N |
DMS Long | 81° 13' 8.5152'' E |
UTM Easting | 524,100.40 |
UTM Northing | 950,993.42 |
Category | Hotels |
Country Code | LK |
Zoom Level | 14 |
Coordinates of Alles Garden Homestay, Uppuveli, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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