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Westhoughton, UK

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 53.543186, -2.529579.

Westhoughton is a large historic town in Bolton, England, UK. It is located in a very densely populated metropolitan zone of Manchester, in the neighborhood of Leigh. Westhoughton has a few interesting historic sites and landmarks including Westhoughton Town Hall, the parish church of St Bartholomew, Snydle water tower, The Church of England School, local parks like Hall Lee Bank Park, and historic downtown. The M61 motorway and Westhoughton railway station serve the area. Robert Shaw, an actor, was born at 51 King Street in Westhoughton in 1927.

Where is Westhoughton, UK on Map?

Road map of Westhoughton, UK shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Westhoughton, UK

Westhoughton, UK Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Westhoughton, UK is 53.543186, and the longitude is -2.529579. Westhoughton, UK is located at United Kingdom country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 53° 32' 35.4696'' N and 2° 31' 46.4844'' W.

Westhoughton, UK Geographic Information
CountryUnited Kingdom
DMS Lat53° 32' 35.4696'' N
DMS Long2° 31' 46.4844'' W
UTM Easting531,172.38
UTM Northing5,932,801.19
Country CodeGB
Zoom Level12

Coordinates of Westhoughton, UK is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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