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Vadapalani, Tamil Nadu, India

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 13.052192, 80.212051.

Vadapalani (வடபழனி) is a city in Tamil Nadu state of India, located to the southwest of Chennai. It is one of the busiest residential areas of Chennai. Cadapalani is famous for its large new bus terminal, as well as advanced transport infrastructure. It is also a market city, with numerous small commercial markets and shops. Arulmigu Vadapalani Murugan Temple, Kamala Cinemas, and Nexus Vijaya Mall are among the local attractions. The city is also famous for its movie studios.

Where is Vadapalani, Tamil Nadu, India on Map?

Road map of Vadapalani, Tamil Nadu, India shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Vadapalani, Tamil Nadu, India

Vadapalani, Tamil Nadu, India Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Vadapalani, Tamil Nadu, India is 13.052192, and the longitude is 80.212051. Vadapalani, Tamil Nadu, India is located at India country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 13° 3' 7.8912'' N and 80° 12' 43.3836'' E.

Vadapalani, Tamil Nadu, India Geographic Information
DMS Lat13° 3' 7.8912'' N
DMS Long80° 12' 43.3836'' E
UTM Easting414,569.19
UTM Northing1,443,040.12
Country CodeIN
Zoom Level14

Coordinates of Vadapalani, Tamil Nadu, India is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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