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Sultan Thaha Airport, Indonesia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -1.637077, 103.643784.

Sultan Thaha Airport (DJB) (Bandara Sultan Thaha Saifuddin) is a public airport located in South Jambi, the province of Jambi, Indonesia. It was previously known as Palmerah Airport. The airport was named after Thaha Syaifuddin, the last Sultan of Jambi,, and served over 1,832,000 passengers in 2018.

Where is Sultan Thaha Airport, Indonesia on Map?

Road map of Sultan Thaha Airport, Indonesia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Sultan Thaha Airport, Indonesia

Sultan Thaha Airport, Indonesia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Sultan Thaha Airport, Indonesia is -1.637077, and the longitude is 103.643784. Sultan Thaha Airport, Indonesia is located at Indonesia country in the Airports place category with the gps coordinates of 1° 38' 13.4772'' S and 103° 38' 37.6224'' E.

Sultan Thaha Airport, Indonesia Geographic Information
DMS Lat1° 38' 13.4772'' S
DMS Long103° 38' 37.6224'' E
UTM Easting349,134.14
UTM Northing9,819,002.29
Country CodeID
Zoom Level16

Coordinates of Sultan Thaha Airport, Indonesia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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