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Streaky Bay, Australia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -32.797340, 134.198273.

Streaky Bay is a wonderful coastal town in South Australia, located on the Eyre Peninsula. The area is represented by a variety of landscapes, starting from farms and fields and ending up with cliffs and mountainous areas. Tourism plays a role in the town's economy, along with agriculture and fishing. Tourist attractions include Whistling Rocks, Hally’s Beach, Streaky Bay Jetty, Streaky Bay Museum, Doctors Beach, Streaky Bay Golf Course, and Back Beach. It also has a tourist visitor center.

Where is Streaky Bay, Australia on Map?

Road map of Streaky Bay, Australia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Streaky Bay, Australia

Streaky Bay, Australia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Streaky Bay, Australia is -32.797340, and the longitude is 134.198273. Streaky Bay, Australia is located at Australia country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 32° 47' 50.4240'' S and 134° 11' 53.7828'' E.

Streaky Bay, Australia Geographic Information
DMS Lat32° 47' 50.4240'' S
DMS Long134° 11' 53.7828'' E
UTM Easting424,934.23
UTM Northing6,370,895.11
Country CodeAU
Zoom Level10

Coordinates of Streaky Bay, Australia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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