Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Elavur, Natham, Gummidipundi, Tamil Nadu, India
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 13.463804, 80.139191.
Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology is a large private college located near the town of Elavur, Natham district in eastern Tamil Nadu state. It is one of the best technical colleges in the state, founded about a decade ago with the help of British educational groups in India. There are about 3,500 students are currently studying in the college, and most of the technical courses offered are given in English language.
Where is Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Elavur, Natham, Gummidipundi, Tamil Nadu, India on Map?
Road map of Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Elavur, Natham, Gummidipundi, Tamil Nadu, India shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Elavur, Natham, Gummidipundi, Tamil Nadu, India
Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Elavur, Natham, Gummidipundi, Tamil Nadu, India Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Elavur, Natham, Gummidipundi, Tamil Nadu, India is 13.463804, and the longitude is 80.139191. Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Elavur, Natham, Gummidipundi, Tamil Nadu, India is located at India country in the Colleges place category with the gps coordinates of 13° 27' 49.6944'' N and 80° 8' 21.0876'' E.
Country | India |
Latitude | 13.463804 |
Longitude | 80.139191 |
DMS Lat | 13° 27' 49.6944'' N |
DMS Long | 80° 8' 21.0876'' E |
UTM Easting | 406,825.94 |
UTM Northing | 1,488,589.96 |
Category | Colleges |
Country Code | IN |
Zoom Level | 14 |
Coordinates of Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Elavur, Natham, Gummidipundi, Tamil Nadu, India is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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Recent Comments
Hi. I am Tamil ilakkia from near gummidipoondi .I completed diploma civil engineering. I already work tjs collgecollge.instructo
I am Satheesh Kumar from Chennai. I have done ME Embedded System Technologies from SMIT College of Engineering.
If you have any vacanies in ECE Department , Please let me know.