Samanabad, Lahore, Pakistan
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 31.534645, 74.294067.
Samanabad (سمن آباد ٹاؤن) is one of the oldest and currently most prestigious residential towns of Lahore, Pakistan, located to the northwest of the city center, 10 kilometers from Lahore. Allama Iqbal International Airport (علامہ اقبال بین الاقوامی ہوائی اڈہ) is located about 22 kilometers east of the town. It is famous for its architecture, which is both modern and historic. There are plenty of very good high schools and colleges in Samanabad, including Government Central Model High School and Govt. Post Graduate College for Women. There are also several wedding venues, stores, markets, parks, and clinics in the town. Attractions in the town include Samanabad Sports Complex, Doongi Ground, Samanabad swimming pool, Zubaida Park, Jamia Masjid Khazra, etc.
Where is Samanabad, Lahore, Pakistan on Map?
Road map of Samanabad, Lahore, Pakistan shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Samanabad, Lahore, Pakistan
Samanabad, Lahore, Pakistan Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Samanabad, Lahore, Pakistan is 31.534645, and the longitude is 74.294067. Samanabad, Lahore, Pakistan is located at Pakistan country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 31° 32' 4.7220'' N and 74° 17' 38.6412'' E.
Country | Pakistan |
Latitude | 31.534645 |
Longitude | 74.294067 |
DMS Lat | 31° 32' 4.7220'' N |
DMS Long | 74° 17' 38.6412'' E |
UTM Easting | 432,985.51 |
UTM Northing | 3,489,072.42 |
Category | Towns |
Country Code | PK |
Zoom Level | 15 |
Coordinates of Samanabad, Lahore, Pakistan is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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