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St Austell, UK

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 50.338001, -4.795000.

St Austell is one of the principal and largest towns in Cornwall County, the United Kingdom. The town plays a very important role as one of the main tourist centers of South West region of England, located close to The Lost Gardens of Heligan. This resort town offers various accommodation options, along with its wonderful old architecture, restaurants, pubs, beaches, local cuisine, and an active lifestyle. St Austell Railway Station and Bus Station serve the area. Its economy relies on the china clay industry. It is also home to The St Austell Brewery, founded in 1851. Points of interest in the town include St Austell Market House, Holy Trinity Church, etc.

Where is St Austell, UK on Map?

Road map of St Austell, UK shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of St Austell, UK

St Austell, UK Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of St Austell, UK is 50.338001, and the longitude is -4.795000. St Austell, UK is located at United Kingdom country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 50° 20' 16.8036'' N and 4° 47' 42.0000'' W.

St Austell, UK Geographic Information
CountryUnited Kingdom
DMS Lat50° 20' 16.8036'' N
DMS Long4° 47' 42.0000'' W
UTM Easting372,265.60
UTM Northing5,577,752.85
Country CodeGB
Zoom Level11

Coordinates of St Austell, UK is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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