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Riau Islands, Indonesia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 3.945651, 108.142868.

Riau Islands is a small natural archipelago and a province in Indonesia. It borders Singapore to the northeast, Vietnam and Cambodia to the north, Malaysia to the east, and Riau and Jambi to the west. It was founded on 24 September 2002. Tanjung Pinang is the capital of the province, and Batam is the largest city. It consists of 7 regencies and cities, 70 districts, and 416 villages. Indonesian is the official language of the area. It is served by Hang Nadim International Airport in Batam and the Raja Haji Fisabilillah Airport in Bintan. The Riau Islands is also home to many universities such as the Raja Ali Haji Maritime University.

Where is Riau Islands, Indonesia on Map?

Road map of Riau Islands, Indonesia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Riau Islands, Indonesia

Riau Islands, Indonesia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Riau Islands, Indonesia is 3.945651, and the longitude is 108.142868. Riau Islands, Indonesia is located at Indonesia country in the Islands place category with the gps coordinates of 3° 56' 44.3436'' N and 108° 8' 34.3248'' E.

Riau Islands, Indonesia Geographic Information
DMS Lat3° 56' 44.3436'' N
DMS Long108° 8' 34.3248'' E
UTM Easting182,690.11
UTM Northing436,664.64
Country CodeID
Zoom Level8

Coordinates of Riau Islands, Indonesia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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