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Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, Barcelona, Spain

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 41.401958, 2.186117.

Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes is one of the most notable squares located in central Barcelona, Spain. Initially designed by a local architect Ildefons Cerdà, at the beginning of the century the square underwent a reconstruction. The square includes a large roundabout, a few parking lots, and a few important buildings like Torre Agbar, Disseny Hub Barcelona, the reconstructed building of La Farinera del Clot, and some new buildings under construction.

Where is Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, Barcelona, Spain on Map?

Road map of Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, Barcelona, Spain shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, Barcelona, Spain

Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, Barcelona, Spain Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, Barcelona, Spain is 41.401958, and the longitude is 2.186117. Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, Barcelona, Spain is located at Spain country in the Squares place category with the gps coordinates of 41° 24' 7.0488'' N and 2° 11' 10.0212'' E.

Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, Barcelona, Spain Geographic Information
DMS Lat41° 24' 7.0488'' N
DMS Long2° 11' 10.0212'' E
UTM Easting431,968.43
UTM Northing4,583,699.34
Country CodeES
Zoom Level15

Coordinates of Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, Barcelona, Spain is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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