Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 47.595661, 11.072352.
Oberammergau is a beautiful town in the southernmost part of Germany, the province of Bavaria. It is easily available by train from Munich, and it is surrounded by green hills and rocky formations of the Alps. Oberammergau downtown area is known for its colorful murals, as well as for small cathedrals and churches. The town often becomes a venue for various annual events, with one of those, the Passion Play, taking place every 10 years in the local theater (the next performance will be in 2020).
Where is Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany on Map?
Road map of Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany
Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany is 47.595661, and the longitude is 11.072352. Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany is located at Germany country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 47° 35' 44.3796'' N and 11° 4' 20.4672'' E.
Country | Germany |
Latitude | 47.595661 |
Longitude | 11.072352 |
DMS Lat | 47° 35' 44.3796'' N |
DMS Long | 11° 4' 20.4672'' E |
UTM Easting | 655,789.18 |
UTM Northing | 5,273,442.03 |
Category | Towns |
Country Code | DE |
Zoom Level | 9 |
Coordinates of Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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