National High School, Dayal Nagar, Shahbaad Markanda, India
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 30.161415, 76.859863.
National High School is the only high school in Dayal Nagar, Shahbaad Markanda, which is an administrative part of Haryana state, India. It has quite advantageous location in the newest developing area of the village. The classes in the school are always filled up, and not every teenager who wants to study in the school gets a chance to enroll.
Where is National High School, Dayal Nagar, Shahbaad Markanda, India on Map?
Road map of National High School, Dayal Nagar, Shahbaad Markanda, India shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of National High School, Dayal Nagar, Shahbaad Markanda, India
National High School, Dayal Nagar, Shahbaad Markanda, India Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of National High School, Dayal Nagar, Shahbaad Markanda, India is 30.161415, and the longitude is 76.859863. National High School, Dayal Nagar, Shahbaad Markanda, India is located at India country in the Schools place category with the gps coordinates of 30° 9' 41.0940'' N and 76° 51' 35.5068'' E.
Country | India |
Latitude | 30.161415 |
Longitude | 76.859863 |
DMS Lat | 30° 9' 41.0940'' N |
DMS Long | 76° 51' 35.5068'' E |
UTM Easting | 679,104.16 |
UTM Northing | 3,338,132.54 |
Category | Schools |
Country Code | IN |
Zoom Level | 17 |
Coordinates of National High School, Dayal Nagar, Shahbaad Markanda, India is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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