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Naracoorte, SA, Australia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -36.952637, 140.736588.

Naracoorte is a town in South Australia, situated 333 kilometers southeast of Adelaide. It was founded in 1845. It is located close to Naracoorte Caves National Park and attracts the great attention of tourists. Other points of interest in the town include The Sheep's Back Museum, Naracoorte Golf Club, Memorial Parklands, Naracoorte North Nature Park, Naracoorte Swimming Lake, and Naracoorte Art Gallery as well as a few heritage listed sites. The town can be reached by A66.

Where is Naracoorte, SA, Australia on Map?

Road map of Naracoorte, SA, Australia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Naracoorte, SA, Australia

Naracoorte, SA, Australia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Naracoorte, SA, Australia is -36.952637, and the longitude is 140.736588. Naracoorte, SA, Australia is located at Australia country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 36° 57' 9.4932'' S and 140° 44' 11.7168'' E.

Naracoorte, SA, Australia Geographic Information
DMS Lat36° 57' 9.4932'' S
DMS Long140° 44' 11.7168'' E
UTM Easting476,548.08
UTM Northing5,910,349.33
Country CodeAU
Zoom Level12

Coordinates of Naracoorte, SA, Australia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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