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Nambour, QLD, Australia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -26.629045, 152.956467.

The small town of Nambour is located in eastern Queensland, Australia, close to Sunshine Coast. The town is famous for its businesses, namely cultivating tropical fruits and producing sugar. The town has a great attendance of tourists who come to the coast of Australia since there are a few points of interest such as heritage-listed sites, sports facilities, shopping areas, and other local attractions. Local attractions include The Nambour Civic Centre and The Big Pineapple. The town also hosts The Big Pineapple Music Festival and The Nambour Festival. Sunshine Coast Airport serves the area.

Where is Nambour, QLD, Australia on Map?

Road map of Nambour, QLD, Australia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Nambour, QLD, Australia

Nambour, QLD, Australia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Nambour, QLD, Australia is -26.629045, and the longitude is 152.956467. Nambour, QLD, Australia is located at Australia country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 26° 37' 44.5620'' S and 152° 57' 23.2812'' E.

Nambour, QLD, Australia Geographic Information
DMS Lat26° 37' 44.5620'' S
DMS Long152° 57' 23.2812'' E
UTM Easting495,666.78
UTM Northing7,054,649.62
Country CodeAU
Zoom Level12

Coordinates of Nambour, QLD, Australia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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