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Moscow, Russia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 55.751244, 37.618423.

A modern metropolitan and business hub, Moscow is the capital city and the heart of Russia, as well as one of the biggest cities on the continent. Located on the Moskwa River, the city plays the role of the principal political, economic, cultural, and social center of the country. With its location in the very western part of Russia, Moscow is among the principal commercial and financial centers of Europe, one of the most touristy and modern places to visit and get to know the social life of Russia.

Moscow has a long history and plenty of tourist attractions like the Kremlin, the Red Square, the Bolshoi Theater, the Saint Basil Cathedral, Gorky Park, and the Central Shopping Mall, to name a few. The city is sometimes referred to as the City of Bridges since there are about 50 bridges connecting the banks of the Moskva River. It is also a desired destination for those who enjoy arts since there is a large number of museums and art galleries where it is possible to see a large amount of the finest examples of works of art, both contemporary and classical.

There are plenty of other kinds of entertainment establishments located in Moscow, including shopping centers, theaters, nightclubs, cafes and restaurants, parks, and open-air entertainment venues. The city is one of the key national and international transportation centers, with 4 very large international airports located there. Finally, Moscow is the most known and developed center of sports life in the country, with the most modern and up-to-date facilities for various kinds of sports located there.

Where is Moscow, Russia on Map?

Road map of Moscow, Russia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Moscow, Russia

Moscow, Russia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Moscow, Russia is 55.751244, and the longitude is 37.618423. Moscow, Russia is located at Russia country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 55° 45' 4.4784'' N and 37° 37' 6.3228'' E.

Moscow, Russia Geographic Information
DMS Lat55° 45' 4.4784'' N
DMS Long37° 37' 6.3228'' E
UTM Easting413,284.50
UTM Northing6,179,258.55
Country CodeRU
Zoom Level12

Coordinates of Moscow, Russia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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gravexstar 2023-04-12 17:41:22

This helped me so much on my project! thank you so much!!

bhs student 2022-02-16 03:07:55

helped alot in my project

!!??.?. 2020-04-06 16:19:46

This is really good but I need the longitude and latitude coordinates on the map.

Guest 2019-08-30 03:53:22

This help me with doing my project thank you:)

Guest 2019-05-14 20:05:08

This was really useful thanks for whoever made this(:

???? 2019-01-17 16:40:19

This is really good info but i needed the border coordinates for my project :(

Ahistorical 2016-10-01 12:16:21

This was really useful for my project, I'll be sure to source it.