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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 49.216667, -122.599998.

Maple Ridge is a city in southern British Columbia, Canada, situated to the east of Vancouver, somewhere halfway between Vancouver and Abbotsford. Maple Ridge can be easily reached by National Highway 7. The city is located on the banks of the Fraser River and is a nice place to visit. It can be called a recreation spot since there are many recreation options for those who visit Maple Ridge. It is possible to explore the local parks like Golden Ears Provincial Park, Maple Ridge Park, and Kanaka Creek Regional Park, or do sports in the local facilities, fields, or playgrounds. The city is a small center of transportation, agriculture, culture, and performing arts.

Where is Maple Ridge, BC, Canada on Map?

Road map of Maple Ridge, BC, Canada shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Maple Ridge, BC, Canada

Maple Ridge, BC, Canada Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Maple Ridge, BC, Canada is 49.216667, and the longitude is -122.599998. Maple Ridge, BC, Canada is located at Canada country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 49° 13' 0.0012'' N and 122° 35' 59.9928'' W.

Maple Ridge, BC, Canada Geographic Information
DMS Lat49° 13' 0.0012'' N
DMS Long122° 35' 59.9928'' W
UTM Easting529,130.01
UTM Northing5,451,619.07
Country CodeCA
Zoom Level11

Coordinates of Maple Ridge, BC, Canada is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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Michael S. 2025-01-23 06:22:07

Should read north shore of the Fraser River.
It's Derby Reach Regional Park, not a national park... ...and it's actually located on the south side of the Fraser River, in Langley Township.
A more appropriate recreational location that's actually located in Maple Ridge would be Golden Ears Provincial Park.
Another claim to fame is that the vast majority of Hallmark Christmas movies are filmed in and around Maple Ridge.