Long Island, NY, USA
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 40.792240, -73.138260.
Long Island is an island and a large residential area that includes two of five central parts of New York City, Brooklyn, and Queens, as well as plenty of other outskirts districts and towns of NYC. Long Island is located in the southeasternmost corner of the state, and the eastern region of the United States. Long Island is the 11th largest island in the USA. The island can be found right near the shores of the Atlantic coast of the country, and it has an area close to 14 hundred square miles. Obviously, the name of the island comes from its being the longest one in the region, with the length estimated to be close to 118 miles. The northern parts of the island are facing the shores of the state of New York and the state of Connecticut.
The western part of Long Island is overlooking the central borough of New York City, Manhattan, and is connected with it by a few bridges like Williamsburg Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, and others. The maximum distance between the northern parts of Long Island and the shores of NYC is close to 23 miles. There are a few quite large towns that can be found on the island, including the ones of Hempstead, Hicksville, Huntington, Commack, Stony Brook, Bayshore, Mattituck, Montauk, East Hampton, Hampton Bay, etc. There are also a number of small green zones which can be found on the island like Hither Hills State Park, Napeague State Park, Cedar Point County Park, Tuckahoe Woods Preserve, and so on.
Where is Long Island, NY, USA on Map?
Road map of Long Island, NY, USA shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Long Island, NY, USA
Long Island, NY, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Long Island, NY, USA is 40.792240, and the longitude is -73.138260. Long Island, NY, USA is located at United States country in the Islands place category with the gps coordinates of 40° 47' 32.0640'' N and 73° 8' 17.7360'' W.
Country | United States |
Latitude | 40.792240 |
Longitude | -73.138260 |
DMS Lat | 40° 47' 32.0640'' N |
DMS Long | 73° 8' 17.7360'' W |
UTM Easting | 657,069.91 |
UTM Northing | 4,517,361.65 |
Category | Islands |
Country Code | US |
Zoom Level | 8 |
Coordinates of Long Island, NY, USA is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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