Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 22.572645, 88.363892.
One of the biggest cities in India, Kolkata is the capital of West Bengali state located on the banks of the Hooghly river. For many years the city used to be known as Calcutta, but at the beginning of the 21st century, the name was changed to Kolkata. The city is located in the eastern part of the country and has a very important strategic and logistics-related location. Traditionally, it is known for its quite large river port, highly advanced and modern educational establishments, beautiful palaces and ancient temples, as well as contemporary new residential districts and quite low crime rates. Kolkata is an important economic, political, cultural, and educational center of today's India, and also one of its famous tourist destinations.
The city was built and is now located in the area of wetlands near the large delta of the Ganges. The central part of the city is situated on the eastern banks of the river Hoogly (which is a part of the Ganges river) and the city is the most crowded urban zone in the whole region of India. The climate of the area is really humid because of the presence of such large rivers in the neighborhood. Based on the geographic location of the urban areas, Kolkata is divided into 4 regions, the southern, the northern, the eastern, and the central parts of the city, which are different from each other and are all quite crowded. It is a great idea to observe the central part of the city at night when most of the buildings and bridges are lighted with different colors and patterns.
Where is Kolkata, West Bengal, India on Map?
Road map of Kolkata, West Bengal, India shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Kolkata, West Bengal, India Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Kolkata, West Bengal, India is 22.572645, and the longitude is 88.363892. Kolkata, West Bengal, India is located at India country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 22° 34' 21.5220'' N and 88° 21' 50.0112'' E.
Country | India |
Latitude | 22.572645 |
Longitude | 88.363892 |
DMS Lat | 22° 34' 21.5220'' N |
DMS Long | 88° 21' 50.0112'' E |
UTM Easting | 640,219.28 |
UTM Northing | 2,496,853.66 |
Category | Cities |
Country Code | IN |
Zoom Level | 10 |
Coordinates of Kolkata, West Bengal, India is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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