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Kenora, ON, Canada

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 49.766666, -94.483330.

Located on the Lake of the Woods in the southwesternmost part of the province of Ontario, Kenora is a city in Canada. The area was originally inhabited by the Ojibway people. It was founded in 1882 as Rat Portage and renamed in 1905. Modern-day Kenora's economy relies on tourism, mining, and forestry. In addition, the city is a center of culture and arts. Local attractions include Husky the Muskie, The Muse - Lake of the Woods Museum & Douglas Family Art Centre, and Anicinabe Park. Kenora Airport and Highway 17 serve the area.

Where is Kenora, ON, Canada on Map?

Road map of Kenora, ON, Canada shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Kenora, ON, Canada

Kenora, ON, Canada Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Kenora, ON, Canada is 49.766666, and the longitude is -94.483330. Kenora, ON, Canada is located at Canada country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 49° 45' 59.9976'' N and 94° 28' 59.9880'' W.

Kenora, ON, Canada Geographic Information
DMS Lat49° 45' 59.9976'' N
DMS Long94° 28' 59.9880'' W
UTM Easting393,182.42
UTM Northing5,513,743.78
Country CodeCA
Zoom Level11

Coordinates of Kenora, ON, Canada is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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