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Irving, TX, USA

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 32.819595, -96.945419.

Irving is a large city in Texas, established in 1903 and incorporated in 1914, located between Dallas and Fort Worth. The city is an important business and commercial center, with excellent modern developed infrastructure and services. It has become a key cultural and educational center of the state. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is situated 12 miles from the city center. It is home to the University of Dallas and North Lake College. Irving Arts Center, Texas Stadium, Trinity View Park, Irving Golf Club, Las Colinas Country Club, Irving Convention Center, The Mustangs at Las Colinas, Centennial Park, Joy and Ralph Ellis Stadium, Senter Park Recreation Center, St Lukes Catholic Church, Shady Grove Trail Park, Running Bear Park, Mountain Creek Preserve, Glade Parks Shopping Mall are the city's attractions.

Where is Irving, TX, USA on Map?

Road map of Irving, TX, USA shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Irving, TX, USA

Irving, TX, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Irving, TX, USA is 32.819595, and the longitude is -96.945419. Irving, TX, USA is located at United States country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 32° 49' 10.5420'' N and 96° 56' 43.5084'' W.

Irving, TX, USA Geographic Information
CountryUnited States
DMS Lat32° 49' 10.5420'' N
DMS Long96° 56' 43.5084'' W
UTM Easting692,337.18
UTM Northing3,633,157.09
Country CodeUS
Zoom Level13

Coordinates of Irving, TX, USA is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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